How to Seal Your Leaky RV

By | March 9, 2017

Dealing with RV Leaks: Prevention, Detection, and Repair

Leaks happen. While regular maintenance and proper storage help reduce the chances of leaks in your RV or trailer water is a stubborn opponent. Minor leaks aren’t a huge deal – if you can catch and fix them quickly. Otherwise you’ll face larger and more expensive problems down the road. Prevention is key. It’s always better to have never had a leaky trailer in the first place. While you should be thoroughly going over your RV in the spring and fall it never hurts to check periodically during the rest of the year especially after a large amount of rain or a big storm. Visually inspect the seams of the RV and look for any discoloration and wrinkles on the exterior or interior walls. Feel for any soft spots as these can indicate interior water damage. Don’t forget to check all the seams and walls – even those hidden away inside storage areas like cabinets. To go the extra mile you can do your own home overpressure bubble test – here’s a do-it-yourself-guide here .

If you do notice a leak the next step is to find the source. If you haven’t already do the inspection outlined above. If you can’t locate a clear source you can perform a water test. Using a garden hose spray water on the RV working from the ground up. This is key as water flows downwards and if you start from the top you won’t know the exact location of the leak.

Once you’ve found a hole rip or source of the leak examine the damage. Make sure the area is clean and dry. There are a variety of products you can use as a sealant from liquids to tapes. Take into consideration where the problem is its size and the materials involved (i.e. roof siding metal casings). Make sure to follow the directions on the label of the product you choose. Don’t forget to have adequate ventilation and wear the appropriate protective clothing. If you fail to find the source of the leak if the damage is extensive or if you aren’t a handyman you can always take your RV to a professional. Make sure to talk to your insurance broker to see if your policy is voided with do-it-yourself fixes or if it covers major repairs.